The Demonica series focuses around the lives of a group of Seminus demons that just so happen to be brothers. These demons survive on sex and are not only incubus demons, but they are also what ever demon their mother is. I just finished the third book in the series called "Passion Unleashed". This book focuses on a Seminus named Wraith who just so happens to be half vampire. He is a man with a temper and has a habit of blowing up at any moment without warning. But when Wraith is poisoned with a slow acting drug he has only months to live. Wraiths attention turns to a human named Serena Kelly, who is protected by a charm that protects her from harm. The catch is that this charm is the only thing keeping her alive, and it only remains active while she remains a virgin. With time running out Wraith is faced with a horrible decision; take the charm from Serena and kill the only woman he has ever loved, or face his own inevitable doom.
If you are looking for a book that will draw you in from beginning to end, this is the book for you. I can honestly say that it leaves you wanting more and more. I encourage that you read the rest of the books in this series. I have fallen in love with all of her books and I believe that you will too.