Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Just a Lazy Kind of a Day

I can tell when life is good when I sleep till noon, watch music videos on the television, play Neopets, World of Warcraft, and browse the internet looking at clothes. I am easily entertained and I am quite happy just sitting here in my living room doing absolutely nothing. I discovered a new type of coffee today, French Roast, and I loved it, honestly without coffee I don't know what I would do. The one thing I can’t forget to do today is clean my room. My fiancé is coming back for leave in nine days and we are redoing my room, completely. We are painting my walls, getting new furniture, and even getting new accessories. I’m pretty excited because I love doing things like this, and I wish I could do it for a living. Unfortunately I can’t but I’m perfectly okay with going to college to get my PhD in History.

I have realized that as you grow up your since of style changes. I used to wear all black, all the time, mom would get so mad, but I didn't care because I saw nothing wrong with it. Now as I look back at it I wish that I had listened to her and worn more colors, but I'm glad that I didn’t something that I enjoyed even if it was just wearing lots of dark colors. Now I'm noticing that I wear a lot of brighter colors, anywhere from neon blue to hot pink I even have bright red hair now. I love it and don't care what other people think, which I could not have said four years ago. I love how I look right now and nothing could change that, and that is one of my favorite parts of growing up.

Monday, June 27, 2011

My First College Experience

This weekend was my first ever real college experience, college registration. I got registered for all of my classes, my college ID, and I even met some new friends. I was a little scared at first when it came to getting classes, and I was really nervous when they told me that I already had homework that I had to do, but as the teacher continued to talk about my class I got excited to finally have to opportunity to learn about things that I love. One of the things that really helped me get used to this was the fact that they teachers are so nice, I was afraid that they were going to be mean, but in fact they are more than willing to help you as long as you ask. As the weekend went on I got more and more comfortable with the people in my group, and I got even more adjusted to college life. I had the opportunity to sleep in a dorm for the first time in my life. Unfortunately, I spent my night on a couch because all of the men decided to come to my dorm house, but I got to spend it with my friends and fall asleep to the sound of crickets and a cool breeze that was coming through our open window. Even though I was only at college for the weekend, it really got me motivated to try my hardest at what I'm doing, and it even got me excited for college to actually start. I think that all together I’m really going to enjoy going to college because the staff is amazing and the campus is beautiful. Growing up isn’t easy, but I will make sure that I get the most out of it as I can, and enjoy college to its fullest.